Thursday, April 27, 2017

8th class at 26.04.2017

Today is Uki 8th class 
Today I study GitHub. 
We can make a lot of work easier by using GitHub.
1st we are create new acount in github.


 Then I will start new project


Then create new repository

Then we are to Terminal and type some code.
1)  <git --version> 
                                 {check git version}
2) <git config --global useremailid>
                                 {connect to email}
3) <git init>
                                 {Initialized empty git repository}
4) <git status> 
                                 {check the file}
5) <git add filename>
                                 {file add}
6)<git commit -m "writecommit">
                                 {write short comment}
7) <git remote add origin>
8)<git remote -v>
                                 {cheack remote}
9) <git push -u orign master>
                                 {push the file}
10) <git remote rm origin>
                                 {remove the origin master}


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Today I make a form using html.

Monday, April 24, 2017

6th day at 24.04.2017

Today is uki 6th class 

Today I study HTML.


HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML language is using for describing web page.
HTML uses "markup" to annotate text, images, and other content for display in a Web browser. HTML markup includes special "elements" such as <head>, <title>, <body>, <header>, <p>, <div>, <img>, and many others. 
Save the file as on HTML document using .html or .htm extension.


  1. <HTML>   :- Start tag
    </HTML>  :- Eng tag
  2. <HEAD>    :- Webpage Head
    </HEAD>   :-Webpage end Head
  3. <TITLE>    :- Webpage Title
    </TITLE>   :-Webpage end Title
  4. <BODY>    :-Webpage Body
    <BODY>    :-Webpage end Body


  •  <BR> 
    {Line Break}
  • <P>
  • <H1>
  • <FONT SIZE=1>
    {Font size}
  • <B>
  • <I>
  • <U>
    {Under line}
  • <SMALL>
    {This is smaller size than the default}
  • <BIG>
    This is larger size than the default}
  • <SUP>
  • <SUB>
  • <HR>
    {Horizontal line}
  • <IMG SRC="Imagepath">
    {Insert Image}
  • <TABLE>
  • <TR>
    {Table Row}
  • <TH>
    {Table Heading}
  • <TD>
    {Table Data}

More than Html Tag
 If you need more information you visit
 I will meet you next post
Thank you.....................

Sunday, April 23, 2017

5 th day at 21.04.2017

Today is uki 5th class

What is web page?
The web page including image, table, hyperlink, list, data, form, and marquee.



What is web browser?

What is a web server ?

what is web site?

 How is it work?
Language for web development
1) front design

2) Client site  design
Java script
3) Server site
PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python
4) Database site
SQL, Oracle,

Do you get more information visit
Toastmasters Club
then we participate toastmasters club meeting at uki office at 4.15 to5.15
 This club improve our communication, speaking, and leadership skills.
Toastmasters Club meeting had are 4 Sessions.
  1. Round Robin Session
  1. Education Session 
  1. Table Topic Session
  1. Evaluation Session

    more information toastmasters club
    Customer service: +1 949-858-8255
    International President: Mike Storkey, DTM
    Founder: Ralph C. Smedley
    Founded: October 22, 1924
    Headquarters: Rancho Santa Margarita, California, United States
    Purpose: Education
     do you get more information visit to 

    we do some toastmasters club's sessions. I think this way is good to develop my English knowledge. I hope improve my English. 
    in our a class room toastmasters meeting photo.

    Thank you. I will meet you HTML5

Thursday, April 20, 2017

4th Day at 20.04.2017

Today is uki 4th class

Today I going to British council. then I study English. I study English word of sound. then I learn countries and nationality.
Eg America          American
     Austalia          Australian
    The UK            British
then I study number and weekday. then complete some conversations.
A: Hai. How are you?
B: Hello. I am fine. Thank you. How are you?
A: I am fine. Thanks

 then sir give a homework. then I went to uki office.

Then I study nano text editor.


nano is a text editor for Unix operating system using a command line interface.

some keywords of nano text editor

1) Create new nano file
    nano <file name> (.text)
2) Cut
   Ctrl + k
3) Past
   Ctrl + u
4) Copy
   Ctrl + m
5) Delete
   Ctrl + - +k
6) Cancel
   Ctrl + c
7) Read the file
   Ctrl + r
8) Exit
   Ctrl + x
9) File show
10) Save the file
   Ctrl +o
11) Get to help
   Ctrl +g
12) Refresh
   Ctrl + l
13) Previous Page
   Ctrl + y
14) Next Page
   Ctrl + n
15) Previous Line 
   Ctrl +p
16)  Go To File Browser
  Ctrl + t

then I do some excise in pseudo code
1) Write pseudo code that reads two numbers and multipliers then together and print out their product
input n1, n2
total = n1*n2
output total

2) Write pseudo code that tells the number they entered is not a 5 or a 6.
input x
if x=5 then
display x is 5
else if
x=6 then
display x is 6
display x is not 5 or 6

then I study flowchart


A flowchart is to use to a programming sept decorate method to graphical ways.

flowchart control structure
1) Sequential
2) Selection
3) Repetition/Looping 
Flowchart is using samples


Example flowchart

that's all today. I will meet next post. thank you.................................


நீ அநாதையாக திரிகின்ற
தமிழை அநாதையாக்காதே
தமிழுக்கு தனியாய்
நாடு இல்லை ஆயினும்
தமிழுக்காக தமிழர்
உள்ளா ம்..............


கல்வி கரை காணமுடியாத
கடல் என்பது
உண்மை தான்
ஆனால் அதே கல்வி
என்னகை் கரைசேர்த்த
பாேது தான்
எனக்குள் எமுந்த சந்தேகம்
கல்வி கடலா............? அல்லது ஓடமா..............?

3rd Day at 19.04.2017

Today is uki 3rd class 

Today i am going to british council. 1 st leasure mick is interdus our self and tell about our course detail and british council rolls. then i studies English.

Then i went to uki office. leasure darsika teach basic Ubuntu commands
list of comments
  1. cd                   
                         Change Directory
  2. cd ..
                         Back to last location
  3. ls
                          Its shows what the folder contains which we are actually.
  4. mkdir
                         Creating a New Folder.
  5. rmdir
                         Deleting a Folder
  6. touch
                          create text files
  7. rm
                          We use this to remove text files.
  8. pwd
                         Specify the path where we are exactly.
  9. mv 
                         mv<space>filename<space>new filename
                         renaming a file
  10. mv 
                         Command for moving a file.
                         mv<space>fullpath<space>new file path
  11. tree
                        A structurer that helps to display all the file the folder has in                one view
  12.  clear
                         to clear old commands we use this

    Then i studied pseudo code. this details is next post so waiting....................


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

2nd Day at 18.04.2017

Today is uki 2nd class

Today I feel very fun because all students are friendly. 1st we go to out said and student's name reminder. Then Miss Mathagki studied how to face problem in work company.

Then Miss Darsika teach introduction to the computer. Then All students are discussed about HTML, CSS, JAVA Script, and NodeJS.  

Then we are discussed about now the world in ict. that is all today class

Monday, April 17, 2017

1st day at 17.04.2017

Today i feel very happy. Today is uki 1st class.

 I got information about uki and uki office. We are interindex ourself. Students and teachers are friendly.

1st I studied how to use Ubuntu operating system and I can use Ubuntu operating system.

Then I studied to how to create a new account in blogger and how to use blogger account. Then I can create a new account and post something. 

Then I studied text typing using Klavaro software. I was practising text typing. I hope that I am good typing method.